Real World Crypto 2017 Details
- RWC 2018 will be at IBM Zurich and looking for sponsors
Day 1 Talks
Day 1 focused on TLS, Internet protocols, quantum devices, post quantum crypto, and embedded crypto
Software Engineering and OpenSSL is not an Oxymoron
- Pitfalls and how they recovered
- First round: SSLeay
- Two guys in a garage (Tim & Eric) in Australia
- Handful of tests; minimal functionality
- Next round: OpenSSL
- Bigger; export control
- Lesson: Stay away from US for Crypto
- Source not so good
- Developers wanted FIPS validation
- Issues
- Much indirection in the code
- Steep learning curve to contribute
- Bigger; export control
- Heartbleed happened
- OpenSSL Project rejuvenated
- New finds
- New policies
- New code style
- Transparency
Project WycheProof
- Analyze crypto used in different projects
- 80+ open source unit tests for 40+ bugs in popular implementations of ECC, RSA, DH, DSA, AEAD
- Check for timing side-channel and other crypto checks
- Example of found vulnerabilities:
- Key recovery in BouncyCastle DSA by weak entropy source for keygen
- BouncyCastle ECDHC key recovery attack by binary search using user controlled order
- To find out more, sign up to the Google Groups:
X.509 - It's Worse Than You Think
- Certificates in the wild from 2010
- SHA1 decreases
- SHA256 goes up then goes down
- MD5 last seen June 2015
- TLS use increased by phishing but still small
- Phishing: if you have TLS you may not be a target for phishing host
- Not considering cloud-hosted phishing websites in measurements
- TLS of banks: After heartbleed they got keys resigned, but not new keys.
- Planned IoT PKI Workshop at Indiana University later in 2017
Is Crypto Software Safe Yet?
- JSON Crypto
- Flaws in go-jose, a JSON WebToken library in GoLang
- JSON WebTokens: Errors due to integer overlow to bypass HMAC & Signature checking only checks 1 signature when multiple are present
- Decryption/Signing verification under attacker control
- Attack on OpenSSL GCM Mode using Joux's Forbidden IV Attack
- Automated denial of existence of certain domain names
- First protocol may allow for zone enumeration
- Don't want to reveal all DNS names
- NSEC3 hashes name but can lead offline attack
- There exists NSEC3 with online signing, but requires DNS server needs to do an online signature
- Created NSEC 5
- Replaces hash function with a verifiable random function (VRF)
- First draft: NSEC5-RSA
- NSEC5-ECC --> Franklin Zhang 13 is a VRF
- Implemented in KnotDNS, UnboundDNS
- Writing internet draft for review
NTP Crypto
- Important but not usually explored
- Autokey is old method
- Currently no security
- Why is NTP Crypto difficult?
- Don't want much slowdown
- Can't tell if certifications have expired (use NTP to check certificate expiration: chicken and egg problem)
- Broadcast mode with TLS doesn't work
- Want stateless NTP
- Different modes have different needs
- Used OpenTLS, VanillaTLS
- Ignored broadcast mode
- Roughtime will be an NTP replacement
Levchin Prize
- --> send nominations for RWC2018
- Joan Daemen
- "Block ciphers are the vacuum tube of cryptography, and strong permutations are the future"
- Moxie Marlinspike and Trevor Perrin
- "I realized I was so close to Mark Zuckerberg I could have killed him. But assisination politics doesn't work well."
- "Work on creating systems that scale to billions of people"
- "Harsh truth: computers are not primarily for computer people"
- "People are the agents of technology"
- People claim incorrect assumptions: non-colluding third parties, purely decantrilized systems
White Box Cryptography
- Idea: protect crypto when adversary can see everything going on.
- Host Card Emulation: replace secure elements with hardware (think Apple Pay)
- Visa & Mastercard support HCE
- How to protect AES/DES
- Hide memory access and execution access
- Theoretically impossible?
- No: Trivial 2^92 TB lookup table for a fixed key
- Generic idea: transform cipher into a lookup table
- Also want binary glued to an environment to prevent running on other systems
- Look at EuroCrypt 2016 talk: Engineering Code Obfuscation
- Automated techniques used in CHES Challenge
- Also, FSE 2016: White-box Cryptography in the Grey Box
- See 9x4 pattern: AES
- See 15x1 pattern: DES
- Idea: Take software tools, use whitebox attacks, or put on hardware and use differential power analysis
- Tools:
- Interesting question: how do you explain moral or philosophical research for white-box?
- Answer: It's interesting and there are user level security issues as well
NIST Post-Quantum
- Quantum a huge issue
- NIST has a PQC Group
- Monitor progress
- Find quantum resistant components for PKE, KA, and Sig
- Ensure transparency
- to join: subject=subcribe to
- Have lattice-based, code-based, hash-based, isogeny-based, multivariate
- Expected issues from current key size and signatures but speed should be okay
- Industry needs to verify impact
- Major discussion revolves around security-levels and parameterization (such as how many quantum gates are required for break schemes)
- Regarding stateful vs stateless signatures --> both are valid for NIST post-quantum standardization
CRYSTAL: LatticeCrypto Library
- Focus on Key Exchange
- Created Module Lattices meant to be more efficient with similar security
- More general than Ring lattices, less structured
- Smaller secrets
- Classic Regev scheme, but helps send more info
- Easier to implement
- Created Kyber key exchange mechanism
- Working on Dilithium signature system
- Used project to test
New Hope & Frodo
- Ring LWE <= New-Hope
- RLWE Key agreement:
- Public parameters A and group/ring info
- Alice chooses a random vector X
- Bob chooses a random vector Y
- Alice sends AX+E to Bob
- Bob sends YA+E' to Alice
- Both compute YAX that are approximate to each other based on error
- Non-zero prob of failure
- Can tune parameters to make the prob of failure small
- Idea: (A, AX+E, YA+E', msb(YAX)) ~= (A, AX+E, YA+E', random bit)
- Optimization: use a PRG(seed) to generate A and just send seed
- Frodo is based off of LWE, NewHope is based off of RLWE
Isogony Supersingular ECC
- Elliptic Curves -> Pairings, short keys, etc.
- we have curves E in an isogony class with isogonies \phi. (E, \phi) -> phi(E)
- challenge: given E, find isogony \phi
- you share isogony on root values P_A and Q_A
STROBE Protocol Framework
- Simple protocols and handshakes
- Encrypt, hash, etc.
- Real World protocols have many different requirements
- STROBE can lead to the creation of custom protocols
- Motivation: take academic approach to protocols
- Use FHMQV-C Protocol
- Modern solution: hash all the things!
- Created STROBE library for embedded devices
- Implemented as a duplex sponge construction
- Can rekey, hash, MAC, ratchet, encrypt
- Acts as a trusted component in embedded devices
- Did not seem to test on Arduino chips for power consumption (potential power analysis attacks)
FourQ-based Cryptography for high performance and Low-Power Applications
- Combined many state-of-the-art tools in elliptic curves to create FourQ:
- CM endomorphism
- Edwards form
- Mersenne prime 2^127-1
- Optimal 4 way scalar decomposition
- Created an internet draft
- The library is quite-performant
- Embedded it in OpenSSL
- Tested on many hardware
- Created schnorr-sigs
- SchnorrQ set to release later
- FourQLib
Day 2 Talks
Day 2 focused on MPC, applied crypto and law, key exchange, and passwords and authentication.
MPC at Google
- Academic vs practical
- Academic view:
- generic protocols: GC, OT, LSS, FHE
- Malicious security model
- Models in Practice:
- semhihonest is okay
- can use the law
- privacy more important than correctness
- Covert model: sometimes good enough for B2B
- Biggest gap: think cost not speed
- Challenges in practice:
- non-public ID
- no reliable PKI for consumer devices
- Party selection
- sybil attacks
- consumer devices will fail
- more important to abort over malicious security
- non-colluding providers? not impossible
- Uses at Google:
- B2B:
- set intersection functionality
- use paillier: easy to explain and implement
- need to convince: managers, lawyers, software engineers
- audit mechanism into protocol (think covert model)
- Consumer:
- training machine learning models
- keyboards reveal everything folks have typed
- need to protect local privacy
- Theory: everyone does LSS --> quadratic on devices
- B2B:
- Want from theory: formalization okay. FHE with small constants
- Differential privacy on devices in order to prevent leaking keyboard info.
- Interesting functions with set intersection
- Affine functions from Paillier (ax+b; linear functions are just ax)
Privacy Preserving Neural Networks
- Neural network use perceptrons
- Cryptonets: applying neuroal networks to encrypted data
- Replaced ReLU with x^2 (close enough)
- replaced max pooling with sum pooling
- They have similar classification accuracy to non-private method
Issues with E2E Crypto via Facebook
- Talk about how FB got E2E into Messenger
- Use signal protocol
- Not on by default
- Implemented message franking aka reporting
- Challenges:
- authentication --> equivalent to TLS green padlock
- multidevice
- web support --> trusting Javascript crypto
- Q: Why better?
- metadata not protected
- wanted to protect content
- can they be compelled to give access to storage keys?
Memories for Your Eyes Only
- Supposedly snapchat is peer-to-peer?
- Disappears after "some time" on Snapchat server
- password-protected secret sharing (Jarecki et al)
- give and take protocol
- Future: multiservers; polynomial sharing
- Used signatures, KDFs, challenge response
- EFF work
- Section 1201(c): no circumvention of technical measures to protect copyrighted work
- Civil or criminal law
- 1201(b): Talk about or traffic in ways to circumvent is illegal
- impacts security researcher the most
- EFF unintened consequences report
- Copyright and the US constitution
- California didn't see as free speech
Lightning Talks
- Linux foundation cor infrastructure initiative
- ACLU -> Students tech fellowship/internships in Boston, Seattle, NYC
- measure breaking crypto in AWS hours
- FPGA EC2 stuff
- Amazon is funding formal verification of crypto
- Galois is hiring math and engineering folks
- InfosecGlobal -> plug for their company
- Sharemind -> sdk available at
- Cornell Tech IC3 -> retreat in SF
- Zooko -> check out ZCash and Tahoe-LAFS which has cool key management
- MITRE -> help with SWIDTags. Email Dave Morse dmorse@mitre
- INPHER -> implement crypto "properly"
- Autocrypt -> Automatic email encryption
Message Encryption
- Key management history
- manual ciphers = higher security = harder to use
- code blocks = expensive to create
- Key distribution center 1940s -> onwards
- 1980s -> symmetric key infrastructure
- 1990s -> "everyone in the club w/ a PKI!"
- 2010s -> resurgence of PKIs
- Certificate transparency
- New systems = Encrypt-then-authenticate
- People do encryption first, then think about how to authenticate users
- Signal
- pre-keys and DH-based agreements
- symmetric ratcheting
Formal Analysis of Signal
- Post compromise security
- can achieve this security by sharing state
- game based security
- why useful?
- old protocols have no forward secrecy
- &
0-RTT Key Exchange
- Used in QUIC and TLS 1.3
- Issues: replay
- Puncturable forward-secret encryption
- Uses hierarchical IBE and puncturable encryption to get 0-RTT forward secret key-exchange
5G: Authenticated Key Exchange
- AKA Protocol in 3G/4G
- Client trusted with almost everything
- Server untrusted
- Operator completly trusted
- Concern: client privacy
- Next gen SIM cards will generate randomness
- AKA protocol --> everything through operator, need to consider end-to-end and peer-to-peer security for 5G
- A special kind of password manager
- Oblivious PRF
- Android
- How do you prtoect secrets?
- BJSL 12 --> password protected secret sharing
- Data independent memory-hard function
- Abstract theoretical and combinatorial attacks on iMHFs
- Depth-robustness
Memory Hardness of Scrypt
- Moderately hard hash functions in time and memory
- Theory:
- Practical design
- Provable memory-hard
- Difficult to prove because don't have intution on bounded memory on provable security
Cloudflare Captcha
- TOR browser masks signals, so users get CAPTCHA all the time
- Blind signatures for rate-limiting using Chaumian RSA
- Questions:
- What's wrong with RSA? Key management
- Audience concerned over cloudflare storing client requests to websites
Day 3 Talks
Day 3 was on implementations, TPMs, searching on encrypted data, attacks on TLS, and Blockchain
Quantum Computing at Google
- Using superconducting qubits
- Using surface-area error correcting
- Clifford vs T-gate
- T-gates create ancillas used for error correction
- Current state of the art is 9 qubits
- There more interesting applications than factoring
- Neuroscience
- Quantum simulating
- Quantum monte carlo
- D-Wave doing quantuam annealing which is good for certain things
- Google's goal is quantum supremacy: at the end of the year, QC implementation better than classical implementation. Estimates 49 qubits to do so.
Erasing Secrets from RAM
- Threat Model
- Non-malicious program P erasing memory
- Attacker has access to everything
- In practice:
- Compiler optimizations may remove zero-memory functions
- Register spill -> when run out of registers the machine does pushad then popad later, causing values to be saved for later
- Taint tracing
- OWF remove taints
- IO API calls leave traces in memory
- Need compiler support for reasing stack
- Currently compilers are the biggest issue
- Can use annotated functions and ersase stack before returning from function
- Solution: call graph based
Anonymous Attestation and TPM
- DAA -> direct anonymous attestation
- Goal: unforgeable and unlinkable attestation
- Adding TPM commands is a big deal
- Security model in UC framework
- Game-based security is not strong enough
- Simulation based security is impossible
- TPM has small interface
DPA Resistance for Real People
- Differential power analysis for side channels
- Do statistical power analysis to compose power runs
- Over 10k papers to try different things
- Issue they encountered: can we fix the problem but no change in implementation
- Use a key tree to do a lookup on the function
- Leakage resilient crypto
- Seems many folks are working on automated sidechannel tests
- This only works on knowing the types of plaintext a priori
- Lookup Welch's T-test for DPA
Attacks on Order Revealing Encryption
- Many working on it including startups
- Security issues with ORE
- easy plaintext recovery via chosen-plaintext attacks
- Achieved via iO and multilinear maps [BLRSZZ15]
- Intractable protocol PLZ
- Correlations causes information leakage
- When entire domain is encrypted, can retrieve info
- Plaintexts reveal
- Attacks on correlated columns are a thing
- ROPF-secure --> indistinguishable from a random increasing function MSDB
Breaking WebApps on Top of Encrypted Data
- BoPETS --> "building on property preserving encrypted technologies"
- Attacked Mylar specifically
- work on user query distribution
- looked at creating a dictionary attack and utilizing metadata
- Blind Seer
Building WebApps on Top of Encrypted Data
- Verena cannot tamper with data and query results
- Opaque NSDI17
- Common web framework not compatible with encryption (Django, Ruby)
- Mylar certifies keys
- allow_search can prevent dictionary attacks
- Verena
- protect against active attacks
- E2E integrity
- Compile integrity policies into a forest of ADSes
- Provides proofs
- Real world crypto-based systems
PRNG Vuls in the Wild
- VM Snapshots are vulnerable -> don't use them
TLS Issues: Concerto
- Concerto: inject stimulus
- Parsifal -> robust binary parsers
- Looking for TLS inconsistencies
- Certificate chain explorations
- Sometimes unused certs are included
- Concerto is mostly CSV tables
Rupture API: Productizing TLS Attacks
- Adaptive choosing of token in BREACH attack in order to get secrets
- Framework to perform compression attacks
Rethinking Internet-Scale Consensus (Did not take notes)
Privacy in the Ripple Network
- Privacy of credit networks
- Formalizes definition of privacy for credit network
- Similar to coinshuffle for bitcoin
Hyperledger (Did not take notes)
- Doesn't use pow
- Other folks are using it
- Check it out
Authenticated Dictionaries
- Ethereum type key-value store/ bitcoin mem-pool
- Where to store Mempool?
- Disk: too slow
- RAM: only powerful leading to centralization
- For ADS, Verifiers need to verify root hash
- Need to support delete, update, new, rebalance tree
- Prior work:
- Red-Black+ trees
- Skip-list
- This work uses AVL+
- Part of